
After reading the link, it’s clear that this is a really poorly contextualized item. I guess Robot Cache will take just a 5% cut from developers. But apparently the system wants to allow for users to sell back their games, and will only give them 25% of the original cost for doing so. So the question is about why

That is all you need to know about credibility of this article

Wow, only two minutes before somebody implied I was a racist... quicker then I expected to be honest. Though I guess that is a comment on the quality of political discourse now a days. Lamentable but certainly not surprising.

Have we gotten to the point where people don’t know who Martin Lawrence is?

“ this image of a black man photoshopped into a faux-medieval setting”

Oh man this looked so good then - proceduraly generated. Ugggh.

I am REALLY salty that, after exceeding the stretch goals for Vita and Wii U versions during the Kickstarter, it doesn’t look like this game is coming to Vita or (let’s be reasonable) the Switch.

You’re correct, you can still dock at the station so while the intentions of the people griefing was shitty, the overall “drama” about it was overblown to say the least.

they suspected that griefers employed an exploit that makes it possible to shut down stations by overloading them with items called Unknown Artefacts.

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that you can still dock at the station you just can’t use the services like refueling and refitting. Its really not much of a problem because there are other stations near by to do those things. Unless for some reason that exploit cause it so that you can’t even dock..

I think you need to make it THROUGHLY clear the act of using UAs in and of themselves is not an exploit (It has been a mechanic since they were introduced.) It is HOW they did it that is the exploit (Of which we have some clues but no firm details except the exploit in question has been around for a year now.) As you

‘To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shadow of the Colossus.’

“just not smart enough to understand”

It was a PS2 game where you climbed on colossal A.I. monsters in real time.

And hurray for the internet outrage, they’ve decided to keep the standard edition alongside the “advanced” edition.

Aaaaaand the headline misses the point. The $2.50 lootboxes suck and sure it’s a bummer that people who’ve already put so much money into the game aren’t getting the 10 packs that new buyers get, but in the grand scheme of things that doesn’t matter. The real problem is they’re essentially bumping up the price $20 and

no, but apparently they made over a dozen promises that they specifically were NOT “EVER” going to put microtransactions in the game. and then did.

I am shocked—*shocked*—to hear that people who trusted and loved a Brand were manipulated and cast aside.

The price hike in general is a betrayal. For all its success, R6 is hiking up the price and punishing would-be customers with poorer value? I’ve been trying to convince some friends to pick the game up for awhile now, but the price has never been quite acceptable to them, mostly because the starter pack is an

While that may be true, there still needs to be some kind of standard when using the well-known game genres to describe a game. Yes, a lot of games now mix mechanics between genres, but the vast majority of people will have a predefined notion of what it means for a game to be an “action game” versus a “RPG.” In this