
If you view Super Mario 64 as the fifth Super Mario game... then he was actually telling the truth.

My dad works for Activison and im going to have your account banned.

Born To Be Wild ocarina covers in 3...2...1...

So hyped!!! This pretty much confirms that we'll be able to race a motorcycle through open world Zelda U.

I was hoping for a more demotivational spin, where the man would be verbally abused by win quotes.

Thank fuck.

Fuck, yes!

Oh good. I thought my game had a bug or something. I killed Grob the Butcher thrice in a row. I KILLED HIM THRICE, STOP COMING BACK. ONLY I CAN DO THAT. Lol

I've never had an interest in this game (not big into GTA-type games), but now it's on my radar for future purchase.

What's not to love about it? :D

I hope it has glitches similar to this classic scene

Nope, still scary as fuck.

Anime Teapot found a strange glitch that teleported them into space—along with the alien. It's a confusing yet hilarious incident:

I know nothing of The Sims either, except that this guy should be a recurring character:

Her first words were: GET REKT YOU FUCKING SCRUB!

She takes after her dad.

In all my years of invading I've never seen such skill, truly she is a top PVP'er.

"Don't look at the kitty, just play."