
Pretty cool new browser. I'm just not sure if I want to switch away from Firefox at this point, though. I'll have to wait and see what other bells and whistles come out for it.


Great review. I'm a big tales fan, and it's good to know the series is still kicking. Can't wait for ToS2 on the Wii.

Whether it's great or just good, it's wonderful to have some original IP's coming out for the Wii from 3rd parties.

For my money, the utter lack of wide-screen support really stinks at this point.

I think I'll check it out as a rental.

Little Fugly Box

Really want to play this.

360 + $199 = ME

Nothing recently, but definitely back from the NES days. I've done the "oh yeah, I remember that game" when I may have never gotten a chance to play it.

Some of the best DS graphics I've ever seen.

This is like Link showing up in Nintendogs.

Doesn't look as good as 360 (duh). But, for us Wii owners without a 360, looks like it could be a lot of fun.

My friends and I have been calling it "Drunkio Kart" for a while now.

Great list.

As a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, I like the analogy.

Spike TV is the gaming network run by the same idiots that only play Madden and Halo and call themselves "hardcore" gamers.

Absolutely terrible.

Sounds good to me - now I don't have to buy a PS3, just and XBOX.

Actually looks really good.