
Ideally, Holographic Storage would solve all of our storage woes, and that's for all types of media, not just VC games. Think about it, storing information on layers of light is just a touch more efficient than writing to a hard drive. Think about how many layers of light with information you can store on top of one

Isn't this too little too late?

Will there ever be another GameBoy?

Oh the Humanity!

Guitar Hero: Skee-Lo

Does anyone know how to sync Novell GroupWise with GCal?

It's sad to say, but looks like the Big N has all but abandoned its core gamers. While we'll get thrown a bone every once in a while, Nintendo's most likely going to follow the money for this generation.

Awesome. A new Pikmin is more than welcome on the Wii.

Just not good overall. There really weren't any interesting announcements that we didn't already know about.

Sounds great to me.

That sucks.

Yeah, really not a bad idea. I think we'd love to see lots of games made "bottoms up" for the Wii, as a lot of what we get are ports right now.

Pretty funny stuff. I think Gamespot is getting a little less relevant with each passing day. Long live Giant Bomb!

Maybe if EA made a sports game from the ground up and not just a PS2 port with waggle, they'd find that the WiiMote pre-MotionPlus can work just fine.

What's up with Vader's samurai moves? Really a poor job of simulating how actual Jedi fight.

@Office Ninja: Are you kidding me? There's no place for homophobic remarks like that here.

That stinks.

Good strips. A very disappointing year all around IMO.

I guess when you make 20 different version of a game, most of them are going to be about 75% done.

Wow, just a terrible idea. Although, if WiiMotion Plus is involved, swordplay could be fun.