
This isn't related, but I want to wish everyone at Kotaku a Happy Holidays! Take the night off Shane!

Why Papers, Please should be Game of the Year:

Cosplayers are weird.


The shoppers... Hm... They started showing up at midnight on Thursday... They... didn't line up, they just crammed themselves near the main entrance... I can see their faces smooshed up against the glass, licking their lips, waiting to get in... God, the sounds that they made... It was 5 am when they opened the

Now playing

This is personally my favorite Song of Storms cover

Now playing

Oh I'm sure it's a good Kickstarter campaign and all but I'm just gonna use this as an opportunity to post two of my favourite tracks from the SNES library. Both from the same game Terranigma. If you haven't played it yet, maybe this'll convince you to.

Horror is kinda my thing. The scariest experiences are tied for me between this and Amnesia. Those games get it- and it sounds like Outlast does as well. But this is mine. How come nobody has mentioned:

Reminds me of a friend of mine who always named Frog from Chrono Trigger as Glenn. There was even one time where she wrote down Robo's actual name and used that on her next playthrough too.

I walk into grass. I run into Pokemon. If it's something I want, I catch it. If not, I beat it up.

Have you checked out Hyper Light Drifter? It looks incredible!

Some will tell you to start with Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away as they are the best of the Ghibli films.

He uses a Mac, how much can Steam sales really hurt his wallet?

Hah this is me and my wallet with Moneysaver

The only cat fighter I roll with. No pun intended

Since we're on the topic, here's my living room. T

I knew that gun looked familiar.