"About 85 attended this year; at its height it's drawn 125" YUSSSSSS.
"About 85 attended this year; at its height it's drawn 125" YUSSSSSS.
Someone is compelling you to argue?
Hot can? That sounds painful! Does it have a koozie around it?
I am TERRIBLE at most games, but Totilo makes me look like Steve Wiebe.
The coyote didn't attack the dog, it "moved toward it."
same with LauncherPro. Actually, I think that's a stock shortcut.
PM me, then. w/ your email address.
I can't without an email address.
I've got invites to give (thanks to chiggerfruit!) if anyone wants one.
One of my all time favorites, and no, I've never beaten it.
c.eagling(gmail) Thanks!
I guess I was mixing up a few things: In the story you linked, Rick Perry used a handgun with a laser sight. So I figured you had linked to that to take issue with my "hunting rifles and shotguns, which are also useful for killing other animals" statement. So I looked up Michigan's hunting regs to see if they were…
Wild animal attacks are extremely rare in Michigan. They're extremely rare in any state. I'm talking about HUNTING. Hunting with a handgun was illegal in Michigan at one time — now it's not. That's what I was referring to, and I was being pretty tongue in cheek about it. But hey — If you really think you need to…
Alright, but I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to kill animals with handguns and hollow-tipped ammo in Michigan. ...Wait, just looked it up. Guess my state is as crazy as Texas, now. Wonder when those amendments to our hunting code got passed? ...Wait, one more search: laser sights not allowed! +1 Michigan!
Yeah, people don't seem to be able to really cognate the fact that they're holding a tool in their hands that has one sole function: killing humans. (with an exception for hunting rifles and shotguns, which are also useful for killing other animals.)
"I believe in global warming, support gay marriage and am against war. Liberals still suck." Oops, you're a self-hating liberal. Tell me: which part of liberalism pisses you off so bad? Is it the nanny-state shit like we see on display on San Francisco? 'Cause I gotta tell you — that's got nothing to do with true…
You mean to tell me that Professor Bacon DIDN'T go to college??? "hate America." Wow, you're thick.
Dude, you're the greatest. Hearted.
The war was started by a secessionist attack on a federal army fortress. The president was the only person with authority to declare war, but the south started it with an act of aggression.
Oh, he didn't just say liberals were gonna ruin america, but the entire WORLD! You know, with our climate science denial and our protection of big polluters and our love of warfare...