
"star of Son of the Mask, Malibu's Most Wanted and Wii game Real Heroes: Firefighter doesn't always deliver brilliantly inspired performances."

I really liked both Gears games. #2 was a blast (not big into multiplayer, so I can't compare 'em there). But Vanquish has that same "fighting the horde" feel without controlling like an RC car that's low on batteries. As for story, there's a reason I used the phrase "gameplay-wise." Some of the plot developments in

So glad I got Vanquish. I'm only like 2 hours in (in the city at night time, approaching some official building or something... who cares), but it kicks the shit out of Gears 1&2, gameplay-wise.

Man, Sim Ant was the shit. I tried to play it again a couple years ago and couldn't figure out how the hell to stop dying. Console gaming has made me soft...

Off topic: Can I ask what you got? I'm currently looking for a used car in the $2k range, and the winters here in Detroit can be fairly harsh as well. I was eyeing Toyota Corollas and Honda Civics...

Holy shit, another one. If this is the way Western FPSs are going, I'll stick to shit like Vanquish & Resident Evil 4 for my gunplay kicks.

Thank God, finally! It feels like it's been so long since the first one.

Left 4 Dead 2 confrimed!

I disagree. A lot of big-time developers obviously didn't want to commit to making a low-poly game in 480p, now matter how it controlled. That's apparently what the Wii U is trying to rectify.

I don't remember sadness...

Ugh, I can't help feeling like the Wii was a huge missed opportunity. If it had launched with HD graphics and a controller with the control sensitivity of the Motion Plus, third parties would have jumped on board and created incredible AAA titles and found ground-breaking uses for the innovative controller. New

Mmmm, non-alcoholic wheat beer! To be honest, I've never tasted Erdinger, but the taste of most non-alcoholic "beers" brings one phrase to mind: "that's just a shame."

And I'm rolling my eyes at fanboys of massively wealthy, massively powerful private entities with nasty histories. Do you also defend Henry Ford (another world changer) railing against "International Jewery?"

...and will he make me his bitch?

??? Because they were a key player in the very worst thing the Nazis did. They didn't help the Nazis win battles. They helped facilitate the holocaust. They helped the Nazis imprison, enslave, and kill millions of people.

What, the twist to turn on a switch thing? I though it was damn cool, especially back then. What else was motion control on that game? I thought it was all good.

Stephen, I'm not sure what caused you to try and predict how we'd react to this article, but I find it a bit strange that you did so. Why not find out what the pessimists and optimists are saying by reading our comments?

You're a she, right? Either way, strange choice of smokes for anyone under 70 years old.

Did you know the Alien, designed by H. R. Giger, originally had a dick growing out of the back of its head? []

I like him, but can't manage trying to watch him. He's just SO fuckin' nervous sometimes. It makes ME nervous just watching him.