
@zack10house: I'm left handed as well, and find myself switching back and forth w/ the Wii controller depending on what feels better at the moment. I've always though that was a good thing.

Russian-era, eh?


@Deunan: They might have had the camera mounted on some sort of steadicam-like device. The whole shoot seems pretty professional, like someone was hired to do the filming. We have a glut of freelance film folks in Michigan right now.

@Alternate: It's the Renaissance Center, which is GM headquarters. There are always GM cars in the lobby. The building also has a convention area. The building was finished in the 70's, and I'm sure it looked very futuristic and unique back then.

It's so smooth!

INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM GAMETRAILERS: lol i thought i wanted to play this game but then i saw that thats gay only a gay guy would want to do something like that lol

Big fart noise to you, Wiobare.

@ThePopesHat: I carried my gnome all the way through that damned cave, only to come back out in a place where I could have easily left him and picked him back up.

@Stuart Bradley Newsom: If you don't want this to be compared to games, just go read the io9 article that was written about it yesterday, which Luke has apparently repackaged.

Cthulhu has awoken.

Woah, don't you go saying there'd nothing special about capsaicin! Go check out the studies done regarding its uses in prostate cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, shingles and arthritis treatment. It's the real shiznit.

...oh no.

@dunetiger - Free DaiMac!: Dude, something's up with it on the Wii version. I was able to rack up like 23 million points. Just kept going around and around those ramps using that top flipper. It was a moment of pure pinballing zen & bliss that I have yet to recreate. The Xbox version has yet to open up to me, so to

@GamerKT: But Hulk's green! He's part of a much smaller minority!

@SWE: Luke Plunkett does nothing but troll. The other contributors don't act like this.