Benedict Cumsabunch

> Why would anyone with a Mac not use Safari?

I’d criticize school staff for not seeing through the ruse, but in all fairness, nobody’s ever met a 30-year-old from South Sudan.

Io9 really is turning to shit, isn't it?

Because you see that red circle and arrow around Harley Quinn. I have not even watched the video and I can guarantee it is not even in there or has zero to due with the topic. They are clickbait youtube whores. Also, I am tired of all these hipsters doofus trying to tell why they think this is that shot is the best

First, fuck Screen Rant.

Please stop posting ScreenRant videos.


Thank you for having done what Casey Chan, who’s job appears to be browsing YouTube, was too lazy to do.

The O’s fan reaction shots at the end of that clip are pretty priceless.

Welp see y’all in 12 years for the decision.

Bad, very bad, kinja.


Who the hell is playing Mon Mothma? She looks so much like the original actress.

Noah Syndergaard would have thrown a 95 mpher right into Correa’s back.

I’m generally on board the Fuck The Yankees bandwagon, but they have the right of it here. This call shouldn’t have been in question and I hope MLB brass clarifies the issue.

He’s thinking about Jimmy Olson getting his face blown off. What fun!

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

High school football?