I doubt that youtube makes more than halft of the subscription value (USD 10 ) on average user withouth adblock, maybe it would from someone who whatchs youtube every day all day long. Last i checked ads revenue are very low.
I doubt that youtube makes more than halft of the subscription value (USD 10 ) on average user withouth adblock, maybe it would from someone who whatchs youtube every day all day long. Last i checked ads revenue are very low.
Thanks Microsoft for convincing devs to CAP the games to their inferior consoles capabilities. Hopefully it wont became a tendence!
If all these so Claimed "Simulator" did really simulate what they mean to, we can put all of them toghether and create a real-world simulator!
I keep asking myself the same. What i concluded is that they might be running on a low end PC and don't want to invest on it, instead they want to play on the Console.
IMHO, you only buy the box for the Art, the manual, and the extra printed features some games gives You. MMO nature is ever changing. If you buy the box and install the content from the disc it wont save you from re-downloading almost all the game while updating it the first time.
Brings back to my UO experience where…
All the buzz around it. Who really wants to buy a PS4 will buy it from US (on Ebay) and import it to Brazil. Customs here are kinda lazy they tax only 20% of the packages. That means you have a great chance of end up around USD$600,00 minimum (including shipping to Brazil) or if taxed (60% tax at the custom) around…
Man, this is called copy & paste!
There is really something else going on. Come on, nowadays it is perfectly normal to company release unfinished products and latter correct it with patches. All Big companies does it and people throws lots of money for unfinished product. So this is just a make up for something else. Quality of the Product at launch…
I can only imagine Microsoft spying on everyone elses life. Imagine the amount of homemade porn they will have as it will sit right in front of tv.
I don't know for the others but while they complain about it, just put something on top of kinect to cover it while not using. Fair simple and it will even keep it clean…
I remember a some years back, when i found an SNES/Genesis emulator for the PS2 that came in a dvd filled with rooms. No one complained back there, and on PC you have almost every existing past generation consoles emulated perfectly. Bring the heat about this up to Ouya is kinda unfair for a such great project. Not to…
He just received the newest update of the Samsung Push Service for Android! It does wonders!
But wait! it's a cat!
Maxis is simply covering for anti-piracy system.
I have to say i did the same and i dont miss the iPhone, even being a heavy user for more than 3 years. I had the choice to get the iPhone 5 (16gb) for the same price, but no, Big Screen is very appealing. Only downside is to have to buy some useful apps again for android.
I Did the Same back in Mid December!