It’s so weird though, I like this commenter and have engaged with him and starred comments in the past. And now dude goes off on me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s so weird though, I like this commenter and have engaged with him and starred comments in the past. And now dude goes off on me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t believe in outsourcing to foreign labor. I’d piss on it myself.
Better question: Would you hire Russian prostitutes to urinate on the bed of the AirBnB where Trump was conceived?
I think sanctuary cities should counteroffer with a refusal to pay any taxes...starting with the ones that fund this ham monster of a Congressman’s salary. Let’s see how the Trunp-loving rural areas of Georgia do when the cities start keeping funds to themselves (and I say this as someone who lives in farm country).
Dwight Schrute Seeks Woman to Impregnate During Eclipse
Drug addiction? No worries. Bisexual? GTFO!
They broke up after he came out as bi.
This is way off topic but it’s a story I feel only you Jezzies will appreciate.
At least she didn’t say she had a crush on Jack Nicholson. He and his dusty old crank would be non stop hitting on her (though probably not by using twitter).
Exactly. That cooze Patti Stanger isn’t a good anything.
He did it to show you he could. Bullet dodged. Good on you for blocking him.
I have a creepy ex-friend (not even boyfriend) who does this. Every once in a while he’ll like a post on Twitter or I’ll comment on someone’s post on facebook and he’ll reply to my comment or something weird. It’s totally stalkery and just letting me know that he’s watching and/or aware of what I’m doing. Haven’t…
Anna and Chris have horrible track records as per owners. People who are shitty to animals are usually shitty in general. Dont care if they are breaking up.
I only gave MBCock a star b/c you were so salty
He’s a fat pig but I love your concern, Mr. Gawker Hall Monitor.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox fills this role admirably. Via twitter, he shits on Trump mercilessly...
Everything that has been interpreted as signs of dementia or alzheimer’s is really just a case of Extreme narcissistic personality disorder. Not just narcissism in the conversational sense that we throw around carelessly as an adjective (or insult). This guy missed diagnosis/treatment, and has been surrounded by yes…
Still trying to work out why that puts Nieto in a bind.
I’d give you another star if I could.