
She’s obviously trying to own the snake moniker, but not truly. It’ll be like her “Shake It Off” phase where she’s taking it on, but at the same time being like, “Poor me, everyone thinks I’m a snake! But I’m not!” Notice she does this after people (rightfully) applaud her for confronting the man who sexually harassed

Their faces make my face hurt for them. They all look like this guy is their surgeon.

I think it’s interesting that the site directs people to donate to a Complex PTSD charity or organization that deals with its treatment.

Yes, this is what I believe. He’s not fired, he’s doing his job somewhere else. It’s much easier to spread his propaganda when people aren’t checking for Bannon in the White House. We’re falling for their bait and switch. That “War” headline on Breitbart isn’t with Trump, it’s war with democracy. We should be scared.

You get all the stars for using a Jason Momoa gif here to wash the bad taste of seeing Steve Bannon.

I have four towels and I rotate them for two weeks. All they do is wipe clean water off me, why would they need to be washed daily? I don’t feel like it’s bad hygiene (I hope I’m developing good natural defenses to germs).

That’s what I’m saying. I live in California, where there is a drought. I can’t in good conscience wash towels every day or do laundry every day. As long as my towels smell okay, they go back on the towel rack. I don’t care if the towel I just used was used by my boyfriend a couple of days ago. The only time I don’t

I’m legit shocked the plaque wasn’t somewhere like Lakeside or Santee. Maybe even Poway.

Haha! I just noticed her. After awhile she just gives up, like “What am I doing with my hands now?”

The part where he says the Wu Tang record is distasteful and then plans it is just so American Psycho. And also like something from “Get Out.”

I much prefer courtroom re-enactments. Remember when E! did that for the Michael Jackson trial? Jimmy Kimmel impersonated Jay Leno testifying.

I feel you on that. I don’t mind paying taxes to support things I will never use. I want today and tomorrow’s children to write books I’ll enjoy or become doctors who will take care of me in my old age. I hate being considered a drain on society by these mouth breathers because I’m not breeding for the master race

Oh, I know. My mom is one of those women. I am one of those “impure” babies.

Okay, I see your point. I just meant Loki probably has better access to bathing than he did when he was in the dungeon. His personal hygiene has gone down the drain.

But what about white women who have children with ethnic or religious minorities? Why won’t someone think of all those wasted potential white children???

Soon protesters are going to have to get insurance to protect them from being injured during a protest. You know, like health care but specifically for protest injuries. Because Congress are a bunch of fucking toadies.

Wouldn’t it have been penis posse?

That’s a really good question. It’s a nice effort, but it’s not like they weren’t abhorrent before.

How is a person who has no children but pays their taxes (I assume she did) a drain on society? For example, the taxes I pay support schools, despite me not having any children to attend those school.

These are the people who are the most in their feelings.