
Photoshop, that's how

as a fatty myself, I honestly don't see anything about what she says to be vilifying - what turned you off about things she's said?

I cannot begin to explain how much I love Lindy for writing this. The amount of ugly backlash she got just proves how much racism still exists. I'm so friggin tired of white people acting like racism is a thing of the past and/or complaining about how much racism they get from black people.

and this is why I love Jezebel readers

This is going to be one recursive thread.

have you ever read Toni Morisson's "The Bluest Eye"? i highly recommended it. As a white girl who grew up in a lower income area of NY, this book seriously changed my life

I know, I'm sorry - I realized the joke immediately after I posted it and I couldn't find it to delete it. Because it was getting a lot of comments, it was at the top and I reacted without reading the thread. LESSON LEARNED! :)

Are you not impressed by her alliterations??

I've never seen this video before, thank you SO MUCH for sharing it. I'm passing it on...


exactly what I was thinking - how is this a fad?

exactly what I was thinking - how is this a fad?

i feel sorry that you waste time feeling sorry for people who enjoy painting their nails.

I was freaked out by the same thing. Even if I did believe that she's a Christian that saved herself for marriage - don't her parents see a even just a little problem with the way she acts like a coked out porn star?

This is exactly what I do when I drink too much.

This is exactly what I'm like when I drink too much.

yes I've seen them before, on this site actually!

whoah whoah whoah there Margaret Hartmann, Nadya wasn't quoted saying she hates "THE babies, they disgust me" but that she hates babies, period. Not that I'm defending Nadya.

Yes! I've totally thought that about Sonja and Mario too!

@Ivriniel: I don't understand how she can be under 21, total 4 cars drinking and driving and yet can still go out partying. I didn't watch the show but wouldn't she have been thrown in jail or rehab by now by the authorities?