
Holy shit man me too. I didn’t realize we were so close in age actually. College tuition got our whole generation it seems.  Very good article man.  Should have chosen something similar instead of law....oh well.

David was your college paid for by the GI bill because of your dad?

Get the WJ!! (I’m biased tho).

The WKs with the 5.7 had valve seat drop issues where they would destroy themselves immediately after a warm restart. If you want a Grand Cherokee get a WJ with the 4.0 and tow package. Best Grand Cherokee configuration and best year, 2004.

Diddys sons are judges....why?  Did they do something other than be his sons?

So they can drive, get to and from work, are insured, and pay taxes on all of those things. Isn't that what Trumpy wants?  Self sufficient "aliens" in Maga land??  

Super “hole” party. Three level nudist sex party with slings and a very good buffet (actual food, but just dudes in slings, but yeah that too).  Super bowl projected onto a big wall.  Going again this Sunday. Cheers everyone!

Jesus fuck......

Kippling. Pull. Ups.  These are peak stupidity.....  Looking at your Crossfitters.....

I loved this article but Jesus I’ve never seen this many ads on one page least one as for every pic..ALL Subway....God I miss the days before Kinja

Log log log!!;

I feel this way about my WJ. First 4x4 and I’m “look back while you walk away” in love haha.

My MKIV brake pads lasted like 75k no shit, never squealed or anything, and I was a bastard to them.  What did them in was a panic stop from 110mph....THEN they were toast. 

Big Tom Callahans son?  Nice haha

I lived in Brooklyn for 2 years. Parked outside my apartment (shared with 3 people): New BMW X5, new Mercedes G wagon, new Tesla model S P100D ALL in Bedford Stuyvesant....

Guys....Todd is gay.....  He has a thing for Jesse... I thought this was obvious...

Thats not the Buick wiring.  That's a universal wiring kit....just so you know.  The hitch costs like 100, and the wiring is maybe 30..  you got screwed dude..  

That works on mobile?

People above Mason Dixon......

Was JUST about to post this.....