Are you posting on multiple accounts? Onesie / FortunatelyTheLemons / Sohrab??
Are you posting on multiple accounts? Onesie / FortunatelyTheLemons / Sohrab??
Matrix 4xguard bumper for my Jeep WK. Fits like a glove!
That is proper gorgeous. Hows the transmission doing? I have a 98 gtp myself.
Chevrolet prisim, saturn coupe, dodge neon, pontiac grand am!?? If you were in the US at the time you would be drooling over the “German economy car” too....
Please. For the love of all that is holy, condition those headlights. Jaundiced lights are a huge peeve of mine. Also, are you missing fog lights or are they integrated into the headlights? The holes there look off.
HAHAHAH! Nobody deserves to be robbed more than someone who literally hands over their cash and valuables in a paper sack.....
Your transmission hasnt quit yet??
SOOOO many stars for this comment. We are talking elementary school grammar errors. Im blown away that full grown adults cant grasp it...
This song sucks balls, are you guys serious?? Its cookie cutter, bubble gum pop, solely produced for some soon to be released animated movie. “I got this feeling down in my bones, it goes electric wavy when i turn it on”....Get the fuck outta here......
Hipster?? Or 1%? Its important to know the difference. Icon, Singer, this FJ....sad...
This should be top comment.
The Prius is this way too but people aren’t having issues with that.
A degree in Ametican Studies?!?? What was he hoping to do with that??? LOL
Bobby....what the fuck is this? Its not news, hes not a celebrity, i....i just dont know wtf this is....
Loved the magnum, HATED the interior.
The interior killed that car.
A big heyyy to you too!
I wear suspenders to bear parties all the time. Great when they’re up or when you fold them down so they frame your ass. I agree.
Especially if they are on the baseball team!
Exactly, her exit is imminent. If they’re planning to put Jenna in her place theyre fucked lol.