bawahhahahah you did mean it for reals! wowow so what do I do now? get all mad and go back to FAUXnews right? I really wish I had progressive ideas like: 1) decriminalization of shitting in the streets, stealing anything under $950 or prostitution in public 2) Inviting a black trans stripper to “twerk”, dance and kiss…
Maybe Walmart is more your style?
Wait lol, I must know are you really using this “insult” or are you doing it ironically?, this is my first time so I’m not sure.
Great “article” on LIFEHACKER, can’t wait until the rest of the network closes up shop.
Of course you don’t, you don’t have a moral compass and you’re on the internet. lol
So If the place I like has something for $10 and I get $15 a day from my job and buy my favorite meal there I have $5 left over, omg im broke raise the min wage! Now I get $20 a day so I have $10 left over, not bad! I can get another meal! BUT the options are 1) FUCK that POS small business, it should fail if they…
Yea! just raise the prices duh! I mean all those people are getting more money from the min wage hike so they have extra money! Just kick the homeless guy shitting in front of the store away before coming in because the police won’t do anything about it.
Love all this outburst and thrashing about as the Dems take Ls all over the place lol. In today’s news: Minimum wage hike means vox/vice (doesn’t matter they both suck) has to lay off hundreds of freelance “journalist”, the woman in charge of the debt that handled Seattle’s homeless just quit with the fact they had a…
ooo I see what kind of trolling you’re doing here, Good job! A+
While I don’t like the guy, being proud of running up, face covered, hitting a guy doing an interview then running away is a win? It’s the circle game and now a way to troll the idiots, which still take the bait. Also it’s an international hand gesture used by divers to say “ok” but also a “hate” symbol?…
Doesn’t matter, I use 2-3 baby wipes and flush them, I’m that guy, that’s me.
Doesn’t matter, I use 2-3 baby wipes and flush them, I’m that guy, that’s me.
Imagine for home intruders, you break in at night and BAM! you’re getting lasered.
I don’t even watch, skip through until I see gameplay then exit out. I wanna see the HUD, menu system, battle system if any, etc.. not a big jerkoff montage.
There is a white supremacist, a African American and a jew on a park bench when they find a magic genie lamp! The genie comes out and says he will grant each one, one wish. The Jew says he wants all the Jews to return to Israel, live in peace and wealth for him and all his people forever. The African American says he…
Another, “open world” mobile game where you can use their marketplace to buy more time to play the game which pretty much is accepting “quests” or “raids” or whatever and being teleported to a battle arena over and over until you get the “drop” you need to progress to the next arena, or you can conveniently buy it or…
Gene editing is not inherently bad though.
I had to find out as I recently had a chic-fil-a sandwich (non near me) and white popeyes was fine, I didn’t see or feel or taste anything then a good chicken sandwich, nothing close to fighting people for or even waiting in line longer than 5 mins or less. Chic-fil-a spicy chicken was MUCH tastier.
First you say it’s 1080p, then you’re wrong and say he is the one missing the point “badly”. I will be buying both these ports.
Awesome combat is a staple of PG and is the cheesy story, maybe the game isn’t for you?