
Lol an yet idiots come to waste their time with this crap.

I don’t remember it, it remember him putting out a track and her stfu.

What he lost to her? lol good one.

Amazon need to make an auto-buy option for anything made by platinum games. Amazing, sexy, awesome.

It’s nice shes putting all those art and design degrees to use.

It’s a thorny issue, unless the fetus is inside a womb, then fucking kill that shit I don’t have the time and money to pay for it! I wanna party and fuck randos without protection god damn it!

Flats only and 3 all the way, I’m not sucking stingy black death, gristle and cartilage off the ends.

Wait wouldn’t that be Bruce banned? Or does Caitlyn retroactively take over everything? What?

UGH, can’t the stick-shift just die already?

So it just showed a couple leaders laughing, thats all? So they are not corrupt and doing great but Trump is corrupt? lol ok.

Love the thrashing around grasping for any hope you might have left, hes here for another 4 years, deal with it.

“we have an expectation that our commitment to equality and diversity is upheld across our game”

How long did you pause after typing “lets stop congradulating men” before typing the rest you useful idiot.

You can say that about anything is site “Writes”.

Sure, start with “Slave play”.

so cheap because others are paying for it?

How did you pay $130,000 plus the separate bill?

Can’t we have shower+steam? I like to sit in a steamy shower for an hour before quickly cleaning off. Aroma, lights and all that crap can go.

Congrats to the best woman soccer player in the world and dropping your lawsuit after finding out men get paid less and you would of made a fool out of yourselves in court.

Holy fuck balls, when I thought The View or The Real type shows couldn’t be any worse, this shit is a thing.