
haha you morons are so predictable, saw this “news” on some other sites and before coming here I was thinking I can’t wait to see how gawker is going to the decor this year, you idiots didn’t disappoint! 

Please let this pass on all the states and federal level please, no more child abuse.

yea fuck worrying about hate crimes, what about the 40 people shot over a weekend? Oh wait that’s black on black crime, nvm. We should focus multiyear protest for a felon that was shot running away with a firearm in his hand, poor kid, just let him go why shoot at him?

This is great news for Trump! split the idiots apart from focusing votes on one shit dem candidate.

I volunteer for the non-placebo study, with some to take home and report over the next year or so.

Man is he dumb! I mean a millionaire, leader of the greatest country ever, what a dummy! Maybe he should be a hate merchant for a network of dying racist websites? Lets see if Trump is in the same position in 2023 or if these sites go the way of Splinter, but hey, maybe you can hang around because you have 5 more

No permanent side effects? lol. Anyways, they need to be decriminalized, regulated and studied. But they are considered “dangerous” because they are unpredictable when on them, not the demographic of who is taking them.

of fucking course, but for everyone, you’re not going to win so quit annoying them by constantly repeating I ASK TO SPE.sdf,sdkfksjd who gives a fuck, now your on the ground being electrocuted.

How many are marching for the 15 year old killed before starting high school in Chicago? or the 40 others injured/killed over a weekend? and the weekend after that and the weekend after that, Oh wait...

“Our shit network of sites are dying so we are doing less content but will make it sound like a positive.”

Even Diablo 4 looks like 3.5, yet everyone is jerking it off like it’s some throwback to D2 because they put a contrast and grit filter over D3. None of these games are “sequels” but the devs forced to jerk themselves off because the company can’t/doesn’t want to spend the money to make a new sequel.

Trumps going to sign a 2020 Marijuana federal decriminalization bill to clench the win.

Cool, what did he do?


Good for the HOA, fuck those people, don’t like it? leave.

-Tough guy that saw the father was weak or wasn’t there

This is YOU GUYS, YOU guys are like this and doing this, do you not understand it? This is what you are creating.

Well they were taking up valuable space to pack in 32 year old ex-gangbanger Mexicans wearing a sports jersey while finally taking one of the 10 days they take out their aggressive, no manner having kids out for the day.

Leave the door open on your way out for The Root and Jezebel please, can’t wait for them to follow you out the door too. Good bye.

I wouldn’t mind but put it in the same glass as a long island iced tea though, I’m not walking around with a stemmed drinking glass unless there is a good cab in it or some Moet.