
Excellent intellectual analysis, thank you!

Quite true, 1984 is rushing upon us ushered in by the left, not the boogeyman right.

Hi moderate American here, just wanted to let you know that Scalia is considered and will always be considered one of the most brilliant jurists ever.

What? condoms suck. impossible to enjoy and finish.

Whatever goofball.

Esquire? You mean the 3 photo spreads and adsin a 40 page magazine?

What? These are action cameras. Not the same as Cameras.

This is Gizmodo, a part of the Gawker network.

Yes, that thing were he said someone shouldn’t be put in federal prison for 5 years for creating a backfire on their own outrageous.

I really enjoy my Gear VR, the resolution is juuuust good enough and on the Note 5 it runs smooth and fast. the headtracking is excellent though the inability to

Why all the outrage? St. Louis is what it is, is what it has made itself, and frankly the Rams ownership has a right to move where the money is.

Well, you fuckers are surely ok with two people being tried, under anti-terror laws and receiving 5 years in prison for a backfire to kill non-indigenous plants?

Sorry for your loss. In the end murder is murder and there is never a justification.

Just to be clear, this is YOUR America. Quite frankly you, and all those out there agreeing with you, should in fact divorce yourself from America.

“Oppenheimer’s film centers around an astounding conceit”

Who are you responding too? Me? I never stated people were poor because food was expensive. I stated poor people can only afford cheap food. And Mcdonalds and it’s 41 menu is famous for being a food source for those in poverty as well as those looking for a cheap snack.

Yes, it is in fact food. Amazing what the human body can tolerate and be productive with.


You do understand people will have to pay more for food, and McDonalds is in many cases the only food poor people can afford?

Anything that requires me to touch something touched by other customers is a fail.