
It is for promoting the voluntary reduction of population via abortion and birth control under the pretense of debunking a myth.

You mean you the writer didn’t white-wash Margaret Sanger of her crimes against the poor and non-white enough?

She was voluntarily speaking with white supremacists to encourage the use of birth control for the poor and abortion for undesirable races.

Very amusing!


I used to read your articles.

The last one is a really good picture.

That is a racing plane...and all the F18’s did was throttle up to normal speed.

One of the coolest videos ever made.

Admittedly, though this thing is easier to drive at the limit.

I mean, what the heck guys.


this is the one case, where no amount of future collectibility excuses not converting to the new headlights.

Holy crap this picture looks dated.

I smell the hand of Chinese money in this travesty.

The Fender Scoop, that weird vertical trunk lid, the yellow cheeseball color.

Unfortunately, people have a much higher debt load to income these days, and while some folks will be able to pick one up, most Jalops have a few years and Credit Cards to contend with.

Seriously?! She has a Veyron? At 17?

Tape may not need to be sticky or magnetic, but it sure as hell is not cinematic film.

On Thursday I swear to Darwin I will eat a bird..unless you give me $500.