
Iconic photo alert!

That was awesome.

...aren’t we all?

What does the 1st amendment have to do with ISIS? Are you defending ISIS? There are laws against illegal content and speech. The ist amendment doesnt protect all speech or publishing.

You’re being an asshole is what OP meant. The Congressman was asking if it is possible from experts in the field. He seems to be aware of the issue and is asking the right people. He did nothing wrong you just decided to strike out at your political enemies, instead of Americas.

Well, good luck to them. Seems like they will run out of bombs long before they run out of targets.

I thought it was a progressive social engineering wet dream about a world where White women and black men ruled major cities.

Look at all that disgusting white privilege! AmIrite? Srsly.

Are you sure? You are posting on the internet comments section of Gawker.

The French humor is really jingoism and assholery pretending to be sarcasm.

excellent video. Damn these bastards are good.

You misundestand Dubai.

Gotta climb back up and get that

Examples of this previous “liberality”?

“A handful of out-of-touch politicians backed by wealthy private interests”

I wouldn’t assume Russia has this.

“world is supposed to end in Armageddon based on religious”

Are you 12? Seriously, think this one through step by step.

Except your not allowed to sleep in have to be awake to monitor them.

It was not funny, it was annoying.