
You know nothing. this A7 series is half the size of a DSLR, and the low light capabilities are phenomenal, as in “a phenom”.

well, when your scientific “miracles” leave you staring at death or destruction..the “old timey” God miracles will blow your fucking mind.

Sun dried Salmon fat is hardly bad fish. Of all the fish you could eat raw and sitting around, that’s the fish you want to eat.

Yawn. The Donald Trump of adventure TV.

Not even close. Seriously Ford was more of a badass than Obama.

Putin is 100000x more Macho than Obama. Seriously, that is no contest.

They are, did you change your opinion because of that stupid post?


Yeah...Bear is famous for being more showman than Bear.

He is 50% white..remember that when you gather the cool kids.

History is sooooo 1990. It’s all about the newspeak newthoughts newschools.

But every body knows 3D is a gimmick! Give me 2D cuz its bettur.

Holy Crap.

What? The only deterministic element separating a Roomba and a humanoid robot is the appearance of some human features AND AI INTERACTION CAPABILITIES WITH HUMANS. (The latter being the essential requirement as the former is true of Mannequins)

I’ve said it before and I will say it again...

Nah. Swords, guns, were never “respected tools” but always power wielding dream devices.

Now that is incredibly cool wallpaper! Great photo!

Nice coffin.

Airbag projectile..or not? Love it.

I am sure that guy could kick your ass for calling him a hipster.