Did your country even exist back then? That was 700 years ago.
Did your country even exist back then? That was 700 years ago.
7 seconds to 60 is not what I'd call slow. And it'll outhandle anything remotely comparable that the Americans build.
How about the 525d? 45 MPG US and 7 seconds to 60. Manual diesel RWD wagon, in brown. Yep.
I think that a lot of USDM cars could be a lot more efficient with little difference to where they are now, but manufacturers don't want to do it because it's better for them to sell a slightly inferior product.
518d, 520d, 525d.
True. But like it or not, oil isn't going to last forever. I'm no econut, but I do know that OPEC claims there's far more oil than there is, and peak oil production has come and gone. I don't know about you, but I'd rather drive a fuel efficient hatchback than not drive at all.
The Russians won the European theatre. Anyone who know their history knows that.
Compromised? I could get a BMW 5 series that gets 40 MPG US. I'd not call that a compromise, especially not compared to, what, a Chevrolet Cruze?
Who's unpleasant and smug? I'll keep my unsafe, dirty, underpowered European cars, and you can keep your inefficient, poorly built, vulgar, poorly packaged American cars.
Do you know where I can find this review? Anyway, my point still stands, we generally design, build, and buy more fuel efficient cars than Americans, the important bit bieng the buying.
Tinny? Noisy? Cheap? Slow? Sounds like a typical American attitude to any small car to me.
Well, if you go by production volume, I'll now refer you to the Mini range, or the Honda Civic and Jazz, Toyota Avensis and Auris, Vauxhall Astra, or Nissan Note and Juke.
What about the VW Polo Bluemotion? 70 MPG US. Not a hybrid, just light weight, simplicity, and a high tech diesel engine.
I agree with everything except the CLA. What's wrong with it? It's a great looking, small, efficient car that is also good to drive and that you'd be happy to spend time in for an extended period of time.
Sure, we make heavy, powerful, fast cars, but the vast majority of them are much more fuel efficient than what would be used for the same purposes in America.
The cars are still far more fuel efficient. Here, you can get a BMW 3 series that will do 50 mpg US on the euro cycle. What the best you can get? 30?
Like the fact that good fuel economy is not black magic. And how to make an everyday car go around a corner. Or how to make a nice interior.
I'm from the UK.
That's real funny. As if you Americans have any credibility to accuse us British of such atrocities, when you compare it to your brainless and barbaric foreign policy which undermines the very idea of American freedom. Just ask the Afghanis.