
Let's look at this logically. Korea? Nope. Vietnam? Ha! Desert Storm? I'll give you that. Afghanistan and Iraq? If that wasn't a disaster for America, I don't know what was. And of course, WWII, where 60 percent of German casualties occurred on the eastern front at the hands of the Russians, and Hitler's Luftwaffe was

Oh wow, the Europeans made a far more fuel efficient car. Again. You Americans could learn a lot from us.

Wouldn't you have a flat or house?

In that case, why bring the car?

Duct tape, vice grips, WD-40, and a bottle of scotch in case you can't fix it with those three things. Done.

It's a Land Cruiser. It will still be running long after the apocalypse. It's the most capable car in the world, all things considered.

Ah, if only I had a missus.

Ah, but I'm on a student budget. And I'm too lazy to walk to the shops.

Sorry to disappoint, but I too am English. I can confirm, though, that in America crsips are called chips.

Top Gear: 8-9. Super Bowl: 11:30-? What do I do for those two an half hours?! I don't have enough beer and crisps for that!

Of the people I know, most small pickup owners actually use their trucks, while the large pickup owners could get by with a Honda Fit.

Since when has Jalopnik been a political site?

I'm sorry, that's a 3 series.

I'm thinking that these ads didn't do much to help sales.

What a twat.

No. And I am not your mate.

Excuse me? Have you even visited the UK? Cockney is a London accent and chavs are basically annoying male teenagers. And neither dialect is unintelligible. Please refrain from profiling myself and my countrymen until you have been fully educated on what we are like.

8 million people in London still leaves 55 million in the rest of the country. Did you know that some of us have never even been to London?

I lived there for a number of years, kinda got a feel for the place.

Bloody hell. 30 m/s/s of lateral acceleration is crazy fast.