
Teleprompters. They look clear from the audience, but when he looks into them, they look like a TV screen scrolling words.

Brooklyn's awesome. Don't hate.

Where the fuck is the word FUCK? Because none of us can get a whole fucking sentence out without using fuck in some form. It's our fucking tribal signifier, for fuck's sake.

Newt endorses DOMA: Defense of Open Marriage Act.

Air. I think that's it. :(

You realize that ALL presidents can afford pricey vacations and dinners that the rest of us can't, right? The salary a president makes puts him in the top 1% automatically, even if he doesn't have other sources of income.

If the men of the Titanic had lived to read such a thing...

What about the child that is forced to grow up with her as a mother? How is that remotely fair?

And yet...

SHE DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE THE ABORTION. It is absolutely inhumane and indecent to force an abortion and sterilization on a woman AGAINST HER WILL.

I'm going to militarize for a moment here because some of these comments are seriously pissing me off.

Coming to a Fire Swamp near you.


+1 and hearted.

The one thing I will say about Bourdain is that he's always been extremely forthright about his drug use, his smoking and his generally self-destructive behavior. He cops to it up front, without the kind of defensiveness or hedging Paula was doing here. If he got lung cancer I doubt he'd use it as a chance to get a

Given that her show is on TV and her books are for sale 365 days a year, the "Oh, but I only work 30 days a year" seems disingenuous, no? Cause she ain't earning money from those recipes only 30 days a year.

No, you're right. Margarine is pure hydrogenated oil, and it's been shown that those trans-fats are worse for you than the saturated fat in butter in terms of raising your LDLs and causing heart disease. But that doesn't mean that we should all dive face-first into a tub of awesome as that would be.

I swear to God, when I watch Kim I think of those '80s "This Is Your Brain On Drugs" ads.

Have you ever tried slathering yourself with Vaseline BEFORE you get into the pool? I do that and also whenever I swim in saltwater. I leave a bit of an oil slick behind me, but when I get out of the water, my skin isn't dried out—it's pleasantly silky. It even works on my face, and normally I would never dream of

Yep. Bra is always the first thing to come off. There's a chair festooned with bras not far from the entrance to my apartment. There's an identical chair with pants draped across it a few feet away in the bedroom.