
Re Bristol and all sounds so TEENAGE.

Or it's clear that they're just plain old anti-Semites blinded by bigotry and looking for an issue they can use to sow hatred.

Thanks. Yeah, we've been fighting hack attacks all week.

I am Jewish and I'm fairly neutral on circumcision myself (not sure what I'd do if I have a son) but yeah, Hess's comics have nothing to do with arguments about bodily integrity or even simply that it's a painful and unnecessary thing to inflict on infants. He's just all about hating Jews—-which you can tell because

True. There are legitimate objections to circumcision but Hess doesn't make any of them. He's just straight-up Jew bashing.

I wrote about this extensively on my own blog, showing pictures from Hess's work and from anti-Semitic propaganda from Nazi Germany. Seen side-by-side, with Hess's text, there is absolutely no doubt that his "activism" is just a front for Jew-bashing (and he's not a particularly original or inventive anti-Semite,

See, I look at those and see sharp edges on the leather straps, which will inevitably cut and blister my instep and heel. Are they meant to be worn with socks?

Yep, that's exactly what I meant. You said it better than I would have! Thanks!

Yep. You actually didn't want to eat sugar, did you? Only men are allowed to eat sugar with a clear conscience. Them's the rules.

And what made her so awesome was she just didn't give a fuck.

I know, they're shit. We'd all be way better off eating regular yogurt with some honey or fruity stuff in it (those of us worried about calories can eat the fat-free Greek kind).

Even worse, Yoplait Light dessert-y yogurts are only barely's dairy that's been overprocessed and loaded with starch and chemicals. But, you know, good girls don't eat actual food anyway because if they did they'd get fat no one would ever love them. Or so I've been told.

It's always a good hair day when you're John Edwards.

Yep. Time to DTMFA.

I'm sharpening my guillotine as I read this.

It's like her vagina was trying to send her a message.

Those makes him unappealing as a human being. But I find that I can still objectify him physically without a thought to his whether his personality is appealing or not.

Oh yeah. It's pretty obvious that he's got a huge chip on his shoulder and desperately needs to prove every way.

And former Rep Christopher "Craigslist" Lee.