
Me too. She looks fantastic, and probably has a lot more free time than Madonna (those insane gym workouts would seriously cut into my lounging/reading/commenting on the internetz schedule).

It's never explained, which is part of what's so awesome about it. There was one scene where she's participating in a wedding (I think when Hollis was marrying someone else) and she was wearing the full FLDS prairie dress with poofy sleeves and grousing about how she hates it. I think in some ways it's meant to

Yeah, super rock-hard and muscle-y doesn't do it for me in either gender.

Not to bodysnark, but...

Could have been that too, although given that she was responsible for Margene's age going public and stayed away from the family after seems like she would have only been there if things with her and Ben were back on.

I've had mostly good experiences with on-line dating—some really good—but I've encountered enough creepy assholes that I think anonymity, at first, is still the way to go.

Meh. I like Wanda and Joey better, but that's just because Rhonda gives me the hives with all her manipulativeness. Btw, at the end, did it look like Heather and Ben were together or what? Why was Heather at that baby-naming or whatever it was if she wasn't with Ben? Just realizing that now.

That makes sense. I could never understand the whole Ana storyline, for example. That one went absolutely nowhere and added nothing.

I know, bringing Rhonda back was so egregious. And yes, it seems very odd that Joey was MIA for no apparent reason, what with everything going on with Wanda and JJ and Bill's getting into office.

Courtney Fleming's parents must be real proud.

Courtney Fleming's parents must be real proud.

Yes, it's hard when the much-desired, much-chased-after, much-shilled-for media attention about your marriage(s) comes with some unwanted media attention about your marraige(s).

Also, y'all, what happened with Joey and Wanda? I mean, Joey just kind of disappeared after the Mexico episodes, but I don't think we ever learned if he died or what became of Wanda and their child. There was an exchange between Selma and Adaleen that made it seem like (Sincerely,) Hollis P. Green finally died but no

Yeah, I think he says something about "trying to get some closure" and....she's dead. How's that for closure, Billy?

I know, I wondered about that too. There is some evidence that shows that herpes simplex-1, the cold sore virus can be linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer's, but the whole "STD causes dementia" assertion is untrue unless you're talking about syphillis. And syphillis would go a long way to explaining why Frank was

But what do we make of Lois being mercy-killed by Frank right before Bill goes off to the Celestial Kingdom?

It's true.

All sex between guards and inmates is criminal, regardless of gender. Under New York state law, an inmate is incapable of consenting to sex with his/her prisoner.

No sex please, we're British/married/over 25.

Good call.