
Like many people who lived through the Second World War and the Nazi occupation of France, Christian Dior had both relatives who were Nazi sympathizers (his niece Françoise, who became a full-fledged neo-Nazi later in life, counted an occupying SS officer calling her, "What a beautiful little Aryan girl," as one of

If you have the kind of history of addiction and mental illness that Charlie Sheen has, you need serious medical treatment immediately. Not a nap and a shower. Saying "oh, just take a break and cool down" to someone in his condition is like telling someone with stage 4 cancer to "walk it off."

Roger Ailes giveth, and Roger Ailes taketh away...

Another day, another willful misreading by someone on the internet looking to pick a fight over word choice.

That's a false analogy because you make no distinction: while all humans are animals, not all animals are human.

I love it when Fox News eats its young.

I think her problem is that she only had ONE bra monkey. You don't want to be lopsided.

I'm with you on both counts.

Yeah, the cure for drug addiction and mental illness is a shower, a nap and a good apology.

In NYC the worst possible place to be is on the subway in the hours after St. Patrick's Day parade—-unless for some reason you like being squeezed into a small subterranean space with few exits and a whole lot of yelling, brawling, puking assholes in green. So yeah, count me in.

A shame it's a "like" page rather than a friend page, because I would really love to get a message saying "You've been poked by John Paul II."

Wow, that's...juvenile. I mean, 10 seconds after the initial "Holy shit WTF? LOL!" I move on to other things—but he'll have a Nazi unicorn ass tattoo for the rest of his life.

Like these guys...

Maybe there's a Log Cabin chapter of Aryan Nation?


Pics or it didn't happen.

Does he plan to keep that leg shaved for the rest of his life?

I don't really buy that culture is more important than religion, or that cultural symbols deserve more respect or are more tangible than religious ones, but that's a difference of opinion. Of course, when you co-opt Jewish symbols, you're co-opting both a culture and a religion.

Point taken, although the Haredi don't think the rest of us are truly Jewish so I'm sure they would say that no one wears tallitot correctly except them.