
I don't get it. She presumably knew about the boy's problems before she agree to take him into her home for two weeks. She knew they were going to have to take the kids to school/sports/etc. and be responsible for feeding them dinner and the increased dishwasher use/showering ( seriously? ) That's what it means when

So because HE'S a sexist pig towards her, SHE won't be allowed to do her job?

@mgallagher713: I just feel they should announce a sweep and call it a day, regardless of the categories.

The Golden Raspberry awards are "presented in recognition of the worst in film." Sex And The City 2 has been nominated for seven of them.

Kudos to Ru for being all "I was uncomfortable" at the end. One of the things I love most about the show—besides the fierceness, obvs—is how sensitive, thoughtful and fair Ru is towards all the ladies. She's a classy lady ALL the way around.

Well, duh.

All of their friends are supporting them, their teachers are supporting them, they appear to lead normal lives at school, where a few students submitted nice things to the New York Times saying that Sophia's nice and easy to work with. As far as I can tell, they don't see any pressure at all.

@RedBeansAndRiceDidMissHer: Oh, I saw that this morning and did a spit-take too. He squarely hit every misogynist "evil shrieking harpy who whips her husband" stereotype that he could, as well as every Tokyo Rose "evil yellow seductress getting her claws into our nice white men" stereotype. That shit was unseemly.

She has a remarkably thin skin for someone who thinks it's good parenting "to excoriate, punish and shame the child."

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Yeah, seriously. I'd rather have a perfectly average kid who makes a decent-middle-class living if it means they'll be happy and fulfilled. I think Chua's priorities are way screwed up.

@timetorambleon: I'm not even talking about upstate NY—although my mom is from Schenectady and I like upstate—I mean in terms of New York City residents. Only a small percentage of them live in Manhattan. A lot of people think Manhattan IS New York City, but it's not—it's only one part of it, and actually a small

@timetorambleon: Yeah, except that only 20% of New Yorkers live in Manhattan. The rest of us live in the other four boroughs and think Manhattanites are snotty douchebags who pay too much for real estate.

@slowtraincoming: Hearted. And if I could find a clapping gif I'd use it right now but I'm about to head home on the fucking B train which is alwyas delayed by the slow-ass tourists getting out at Rockefeller Center with their maps in front of their faces.

@wtfox?!: Well, we could have that if it was in the context of "feminism is bad because it turns our delicate young ladies into sluts."

@yaylo: It's south of Washingtan.

You know some idiot in the school's administration googled her, went "OMG BUTT SECKS! " and that was the end of it.

@kethryvis: In addition, Nicole is a US citizen by birth—she was born in Hawaii. She's also an Australian citizen, but I can't imagine the Australian authorities would care to get involved in regulating legal activities by a US citizen when she's residing in the US.

Jerome! Bring me my mirror!