
It looks like she's doing a sit-up and craning her neck forward...but the rest of her body drops away from her shoulders and looks much straighter and thinner and and smaller than her head/neck/arms. Photoshop of horrors?

@chatterboxwriting: They're around. It's always the quasi-hipster ones, though. I've seen Adrian Grenier a couple times when I was shopping in Park Slope. .

@slowtraincoming: Yeah, but that's an upscale yuppie hipster outfit, and the Q doesn't go to Williamsburg...I think he was probably going to Park Slope (which is the 7th Ave stop). His sister lives there and he's been spotted in the neighborhood.

GODDAMMIT. I was on the Q train last night for, like, forever (I live in Flatbush), and I missed this.

No one is obligated to explain their sexuality to the general public, ever.* If he was comfortable telling people to MYOB, that's his right.

@Curt Cole: Somewhat OT, but did you ever see the episode of "Flipping Out" where Jeff chooses a shade of paint called "Pearl Necklace?" It was the most awesome homo homeowner moment ever.

@BytheSea: Domesticated rats are lovely pets, but I wonder if in situations like this they turn feral? Domesticated cats and dogs often will.

Holy shit.

@IcyBikini: thank you. It is brilliant!

@Morning Gloria: Fat or skinny, everyone has the same amount of BRAINZ! BRAINZ!

@Rare Affinity: I plan to be like Shakespeare and specifically leave my "second best bed" to someone.

@bluebears: She's a lawyer, so I'm sure she had all that shit locked up tight.

Nothing surprising about that. He's a millionaire in his own right—-it doesn't matter a bit to him whom she leaves her household goods to.

Camille Grammer's publicist finally talked some sense into her.

@timetorambleon: Suing someone for libel or slander is not censorship. This is in no way censoring freedom of speech. Only the government can do that. Get your facts and terminology straight before you get all outraged.

@TeenageGangDeb: Yeah, the whole "I said it, but I'm such a crazy bitch you can't take me seriously" is not a good precedent to set.

the exact thing that has driven Love throughout her career — her shit-stirring, her screaming vocals, her admitted need for attention, her makeovers — and what makes her so compelling is her unyielding insistence that she be seen, heard, and taken more seriously. I've always admired her for this, because I don't

@Descarada: If we were in a club together instead of on the interwebz, would totally knee him in the 'nads on your behalf. But like I said upthread, the thing that wounds these doucheturkeys the most is no response at all.

@Goldbunny86: Especially when it's followed by a :) !

@That-Dude: EXACTLY. Trolls see any kind of response as a positive.