
@TopLevelExecutive: I get the sense that his defenders are starting to do some of that, although it's less of a slut-shaming and more of just a shaming-shaming thing.

Lane's dad was straight out of a Charles Dickens novel, eh what?

@saintbernadette: I wasn't sure if it was that or if it was how old Joan was when she had her first abortion.

If Joan's, say, 4-6 weeks pregnant and Dr. Rapey's only been gone 7 weeks, she could totally pull the wool over his eyes on this one, particularly if he's out of the country when she gives birth. Delivering a couple weeks early can be explained away.

@yvanehtnioj: Yeah, it's TEH GEIGH that's the problem here. Not teh exploitashun.

@the_mayoress: Ooh, I'm flattered. and you're hearted.

Bishop Long can actively shit on women and use "prosperity gospel" to bilk poor people out of their money and no one really gives a fuck.

Shouldn't the school administrators be spending their time on say, education , instead of gender-policing what's essentially just a silly and outdated popularity contest?

@Shancan: and some extra fingertips, too.

@Peppermint: Free tinted moisturizer and soothing eye gel with each new prosthetic leg!

Is this supposed to make me want to buy their product?

@badmutha: I can't imagine what it's like to be married to a woman knowing that she doesn't love you, and that you as a person have no actual value to her.

What a fucking pathetic loser.

Does anyone else wonder why they don't make use of the obvious?

@heyo: Pure peroxide will take some color out if you let it soak into dark-colored fabric and leave it, but if you use Clorox 2 or a little peroxide it usually won't, provided you wash right away. If you soak it and then throw it in the hamper and wash later, the blood will come out, but so will some of the color. (I

My ex-boyfriend once got a bloody nose while wearing an expensive white dress shirt. In about 20 seconds, I got it off him, rinsed it in icy cold tap water, threw a splash of peroxide on it and...problem solved.

@Ipomoea: Yes, I believe Dan referred to that as "gay bar slut get-to-know-ya sex." And here they are all married and paternal.

@AmbivalentAlumna: You might enjoy Dan's book THE KID, which is about how he and Terry adopted their son. It's really moving and funny. Dan tells the story of how they met in even greater detail in the book.

@nolabar10der: I think you're right but what I took issue with is this poster asserts that Craigslist wasn't participating in the "exploitation" of anyone—the scare quotes were hers—and I disagree with that.