
@vamusical: Yeah, but you're siding based on a false analogy that Iran's created.

@abdouglass: You're right about the hit men vs. the mastermind issue, although to my mind, the person who hired people to commit murder is guilty of murder as if she'd pulled the trigger herself. Personally, I would have given them all life in prison, but it's Virginia, and the death penalty is popular there (not

Death penalty for murdering two people versus death penalty for having sex*

@wishywashy: Nah, Joan had sex with her husband in the last episode, which was chronologically within the same month as this episode. I think it's safe to assume if she gets pregnant, she won't know who the father is.

@BadBanana: Yeah, her privilege was super-obvious, but I think that the show portrayed the situation with some nuance. She's right, of course, that women are denied social rights and treated as inferiors. She's wrong that her experience is the same as black peoples' and she was blind to the wrongness of that

@yidvicious: Yeah, not really an experience that would get my juices flowing.

@badmutha: Well, we know Joan's had two. She talked about it with her doctor earlier this season. I wondered if one or both was thanks to her affair with Roger, but it was never explicitly discussed. Also, when Betty got pregnant the third time, she pretty obviously asked her doctor if there was a way she could

@marciax3: Did you consider changing therapists? If mine had pursued that angle, I hope I would have done that...although I was barely an adult so I'm not sure I would have. Certainly would today if someone did that.

@SibylDorset: I dunno about the abortion storyline. We saw that Joan really wants to have a baby, and wants to conceive before her husband ships out. She had sex with him in the last episode (which was chronologically in the same month as this one). My bet is she'll be pregnant but not sure who the father is.

I actually didn't think Sally was running because she was terrified of Betty, I think she was just acting out because she's so miserable and hates her life right now. Kids have freak-outs like that because they can't articulate their feelings well and because it's the only form of resistance available to them.

Roger knocked Joan up. Bet on it.

Personal anecdote: in the early 90s, when I was treated for sex-abuse related PTSD, the (otherwise very helpful) therapist said to me, "It's odd that you don't have any repressed memories. Are you sure you don't?"

@maurasaurus: Is it just me or does that first paragraph seem obviously modeled on the Salem Witch trials?

@nolagringa001: You're not supposed to have ex parte communications with witnesses, for starters. There's a really valid concern about his using his leverage—he was prosecuting the man who attempted to murder her—to coerce her into some kind of relationship. The power balance is all fucked up. I suspect he's been

The "unspecified length" presumably being until his employer and the state Bar Association have decided how to remove his ass from the practice of law with as little publicity as possible.

@GreyCat: Exactly. Everyone notices people of the opposite sex, especially attractive ones. But there's no need to be a douchebag about it, especially in front of your kids. And ogling = douchebag.

What do — or did — you think — of your dad gaping at passing women? Did he? Did you notice? Did you think it was creepy? Did you not care?