
@WrittenPyramids: You're totally right. I'm sure if I got into a longer conversation with him, all of those issues would bubble up—they always do.

@deeemer: I live in Flatbush, Brooklyn, so I'm around them all the time. But they don't want to be around me! The only time they'll talk with me is when I'm at a Jewish charity function or some religious event, and even then, us non-Haredi women are given a pretty wide berth.

Oh, ugh. Way to perpetuate the misogynist stereotype.

"In my eyes, it is chauvinistic that a crowd of mostly men needs to pass the time-outs watching young girls dancing and shaking. That seems pretty repulsive to me," he said.

Has the world just mommy-tracked J.Lo?

The prevailing "wisdom" used to be that working outside the home just turned women all entitled and bitchy. Apparently the problem is we're not entitled and bitchy enough .

@gingergal7: I think when you're arrogant enough to say "I have more than enough good deeds" stored up, that pretty much cancels out whatever good-deed-related karma you might have.


Craigslist has done the best and most responsible job of combating child exploitation and human trafficking

@Ruperts Drop: Maybe you want the ice on hand to use afterwards too!

@Admiral Babyruthless: Yes, and there was a lot of pro-breastfeeding, pro-childbearing propaganda of that type in Stalinist Russia—and, ironically—Francoist Spain.

I wonder if it has to do with breast-feeding?

$131? SRSLY? Every time? I call bullshit.

@Bizara: Was it a secret or just something no one thought was a big deal? There are many cultures where women—especially sisters—will occasionally nurse each other's babies. My mother and her best friend had babies two months apart and when they babysat for each other's kids one mom would sometimes nurse the baby of

@NefariousNewt: They're all at the Attorney General's office, registering their complaints.