
@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: For real. That series was outstanding in every way, but Omar and Michael K. Williams were the absolute best part of it.


@Nigerian Business Executive: I've said exactly the same thing, and then watched as they say "Uh...curly hair..big nose...uh..." and trail off when they realize how they sound.

@austen_g: Ugh. I would probably do exactly the same thing. My father's family is olive-skinned and dark-eyed and they get the same thing and his response is always Hey, folks! Fuck your ethnic stereotype game...I don't want to play.

@Tchotchke: EXACTLY. I've had similar moments and they always make me feel icky (and hello, red flag!)

@PilgrimSoul: I think the vast majority of adults—like me—who like the series realize that it's not a true representation of life or relationships. What with the vampires and the wolf-people and the ESP and the flying and the superhuman strength...

@Tchotchke: Co-sign. As a blond, blue-eyed fair skin Jew, I get REALLY irritated when people say "Oh, you don't LOOK Jewish!" or "Wow, I bet guys love you because you don't look Jewish!" They manage to be insulting my ethnicity AND my looks at the same time...and yet they think it's a compliment.

@bluebears: Totally agree. Teens love scary, morbid, hormonal obsessive stuff because they're teens. The vast majority of us grow out of it.

Which hotline do I call if my younger male BFF turns into a wolf?

This is why I always have a sandwich BEFORE going out for the evening.

@yes, i do know how to use my mouth: Get big-ass stock pot and boil up turkey carcass in water (or leftover stock) for about an hour with a halved onion and some celery ribs (if you have smaller pots, you can cut the carcass into pieces). Turn heat off, then leave the whole mess in fridge overnight.

@curiousgeorgiana: I am normally Team Cake all the way. But Thanksgiving is Team Pie season.


@BearDownCBears: Think how easy the holidays would be—no having to go back and forth between families! (On the other hand, it might suck if you didn't like your family—no "oh, we're spending it with HER family as an excuse.")

@bluebears: My maternal grandmother's parents were first cousins (old-line Southern WASPs). So were my paternal grandfather's parents (shtetl-born Ashkenazis). It's common across cultures and absolutely nothing bad usually comes of it so who cares?

@Clare116: I bet she was teaching Sunday school back when she worked for Delay. It's a pretty typical activity for folks in his world.

@mizzmarvel: It also has the implication of "smart career women always get dumped for younger, cuter ditzes." Which is a shitty stereotype applied equally to both women.