
@CherriSpryte: I totally second that about Morgan Tsvangari. I would have picked him over Barack.

@PilgrimSoul: My poor joke. You're hurting its feelings. That's so unfair.

@willwriteforfood: Well, that last guy was a WORLD CLASS ASSHOLE. If there was an anti-Nobel for damage done to peace and international relations, GWB would have won it every year for 8 years.

@PilgrimSoul: Joking about how politics creates unlikely bedfellows is unfair?

@PilgrimSoul: I think it's less "America, Fuck Yeah"-style jingoism and more "Barack Obama, Fuck Yeah!"-cult of personality. We really like the guy.

I have left-wing friends who are all "OMG, OBAMA DOESN'T DESERVE THIS" and right-wing friends who are all "OMG, OBAMA DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!"

Go Farai Chideya!

@PilgrimSoul: Not being snippy, but it's worth remembering that it's not as though Americans just anointed our own President because we're being jingoistic. He was given the award by an international committee.

@PilgrimSoul: The Norwegians are part of the "world outside the US," aren't they?

@NefariousNewt a.k.a. General Awesomesauce: Co-sign. And thanks for mentioning HRC, because she's been kicking ass and taking names on behalf of the Obama Administration, and Barack could not be making progress overseas without her.

@PilgrimSoul: Yes. That's who gave him this award.

@LaComtesse: This whore is fully prepared to wash his and anoint his feet.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Do I think Obama is in the process of resolving a conflict or creating peace? Fuck yeah!

@Grim Reaper of the Forest: Pretty much, yeah. Then again, they gave it to Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin, and that was sort of like "Hey, thanks for not totally fucking shit up THIS YEAR." That award certainly didn't lead to lasting peace.

@Diziet_Sma: Word. If the Nobel Committee wants to send a message that they like what he's doing, I'm not going to shit on it.