which does not change the fact that they were destroyed and no longer exist.
which does not change the fact that they were destroyed and no longer exist.
you clearly don't get it. Nintendo doesn't make Gameboys anymore, they don't make Gamboy games anymore. it is a big deal when a thing like this gets destroyed.
it's still one less copy of Tetris and one less Gameboy in the world. both things that are no longer manufactured.
I'm disappointed that they left the Tetris cart in the Gameboy when they destroyed it. I always hate it when classic video game hardware or software is destroyed.
I didn't realize what simple pleasures lay in watching people catch buckets with their faces.
Well what are YOU doing to stop the spread of American Sign Language?
The better question is why don't you?
I agree, the officer seemed to be radioing in the scene, and perhaps he was assessing the situation for the fire and paramedics, but dude, show some urgency.
Fair enough.
Why spotlight terrible artwork?
Have they considered working from home with Google?
And the German fan leaping for joy behind her! Great GIF or greatest GIF this game can produce?
I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.
The gif of the kid crying is fucking tragic. The gif of the grown woman crying like a loved one just died is fucking hilarious.
Well, soon the dog and the burglars can settle their differences over a game of Evolve, all thanks to Aaron Poul.
I hope so. I can understand their training but I just don't think the new console are considered current-gen on a wide consensus and it's confusing to many when people refer to the newcomers as the current generation of consoles so soon.
Depends entirely on whether you've purchased one yet.
O_o The image you posted scarred me. Must see. Good. Cosplay.
I assume you mean just is Disney films? Because I'm sure Mulan doesn't do that too.