Well I’m tiny... can’t really do much about it. So what am I suppose to do? I also kind of still look 16 at 27... not much I can do about that either except wear shit tons of makeup and fancy clothes (which I hate)
calling your bf/gf baby is pretty normal though right?
I called all of my boyfriends baby, and there sure as hell was no infantilisation involved.
I agree on every other point.
Was going to post that
I lovvvve he was ok with just leaving pam therr
It doesn’t imply thst though.
you're apparently new to the internet
I actually think either she posted both, (using his account to post it after she found it on his phone) or that he indeed posted the one of the girl with permission. He's a big asshole for cheating, it's really a horrible thing to do to someone, but as a human being and feminist I have to say her revenge porn post is…
Oh my fucking god you are so thick. Their way to depict adults (women) is to depict them like children. Especially when they are sexualised. That's what's fucked up about it. I'm not missing for fucking point for christ's sake, you're just wrong. A child looks one way, an adult looks an other way. If they choose to…
No what you're saying makes no sense what so ever. it's not fucking cultural. A twelve yeau old looks like a twelve year old. If you draw a picture of a naked body of a twleve year old it looks like one of a twelve year old, the same way that if you draw a horse, it looks like a horse to a japanese person, to a french…
No, they are not. Children are the same everywhere. a 12 year old is a child everywhere and a 30 year old is an adult everywhere. It's not relative, the same way squares and circles are not relative.
well holy shit.
dear god he is so hot
My god he is so hot
Well they might have good chemistry off-screen, but they have none whatsoever on-screen! Mostly becuase of her being the worst actress in the history of the world though
That's bullshit you can't have different views of what makes a character look like a child. That would be like having a different view of what makes something look square or purple. People are drawn as children or they are not, characters look like children or not. Children have different types of bodies and facial…
Who are you talking about? I watched it twice now and it seems no one refused to play.
it appears fucking dodgy as well! they are drawn to look like children with a tad of boobs (and don't know how to handle them 'cause they're still innocent little babies. This is always the case and it's a fucking problem but everyone is cool with it.
I'm alright with having a vendetta against nudity like this because those girls look like children for fuck's sake
I kind of agree with op, and to answer your question
1. women in live action porn are usually not children, as is most of the time the case in anime. They fucking look prepubescent in these pictures. That is a big fucking problem and nobody minds. I used to read lots of manga as a girl and it weirded me out so fucking…