
Just hope he doesn't cut off his nose to spiderface.

Could you be more pacific?

For all intensive purposes it is a doggy dog world out there for grammarians. That’s why I like to have copy editors at my beckon call.

Yup totally works.

I don’t think she’s entirely wrong about the post- Sandy Hook gun regulation push being driven by fear. All of the focus and hype has been on mass shootings, which are awful and terrible and disgusting, but aren’t a significant threat to anybody’s life expectancy. They are, however, super scary to think about. You

Thank you. Almost nobody brings up the lack of representation of Bears at the Academy awards. Did you know that, as it stands, there have been over 1700 acting nominations in the history of the awards and only 23 have gone to Bears(Meryl Streep, Claude Rains).

Ben Carson delivered himself as a baby. He even snipped his own umbilical cord. Fact.

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.

Ya, I mean, it seems inappropriate because he’s supposed to be a professional journalist or whatever, but it was New Year’s, she was wearing a bra, everyone was drunk. Who cares?

Agree on the fats and carbs. When I read her list I kept saying, “Make a quesadilla...make a quesadilla...make a quesadilla!” Good choice, Ms. Rothkopf!

So Carson is the only man he ever met?

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

The funny thing is, some tried to use arguments like “this movie objectifies men and sets unrealistic physical standards for men to live up to, and that’s not acceptable and movies shouldn’t be like this”.

and Natasha Vargas-Cooper, don’t forget her

“triple aluminum oil”

You take that back.

Ways Hillary is like my Oma: I love her, but I’d rather have Bernie in the White House.

My hypothetical never-gonna-happen daughter will be named Chainsaw.

And by “apology culture” she means minorities refusing to kept our mouths shut when white people want to have a good laugh at our expense. Fey and all these other comedians lamenting this nebulous “pc” culture can get fucked.