Next Pissing Contest: Most high you've ever been (at a wedding).
Next Pissing Contest: Most high you've ever been (at a wedding).
Kale is OVER!
You're delightful.
I think there are lots of criticisms of the test. For one, it's all self reported answers, so some people respond on how they want to appear, rather than their actual personalities. Second, all of the categories are based on extremes, when most people are closer to the middle. So most people are somewhere between…
Trying not to sob...
I love android! I have a weird friend who calls me "Bambino" and it auto corrects to "vaginal" :-D
The very first time my wife (gf at the time) and I each got high. We were at a trusted friend's apartment for a party, and initially were just drinking. For some reason, LadyBeard wasn't drinking, but was giving me her shots, so I was drunker than I should have been. Then, some people started smoking, and we…
If you read through the comments (not to mention the articles), Kat (author) and lots of commenters do an excellent job of politely educating people about trans issues. And yes, some people feel passionately about it and speak angrily, but that is often in response to people making disrespectful comments.
Excellently written, Kat, as always. Thanks!
You are mistaken. Lots of crazy stuff about the church without making stuff up.
This just made my day.
... what kind of cake?
I don't read good, so I used to think your last name was "Pinkman". Because of that, I always thought of you as Jesse Pinkman, and thus, a man. Then I thought maybe you weren't, and then confirmed you are, so... it doesn't really matter, but you're a delightful addition to Jez.
Anthony Wiener. Damnit...
Where can I buy a shirt like the one she's wearing? But maybe a bigger one...
It's true! I have a weak chin when I'm clean shaven, but I look normal with a beard. It's great!
Evanston is accessible by the El and it borders Chicago, so compared to Berwyn, it is much closer to Chicago. Berwyn has Cicero & Oak Park between itself & Chicago.
Not true. Evanston is almost Chicago. Berwyn is just a suburb.
I always think this! My fiancee has tried explaining it, but I always feel like I'm missing something. Apparently fashion shows are supposed to be super conceptual and extreme, rather than showing stuff you'd see someone on the street wearing.