Bear, Pooh

Your comment is full of factual, spelling and grammatical errors, we're all in agreement that we want you to take a break for the day and get some fresh air.

She was talking to me you flannel button up monster. Shoo! Shoo away...

I can personally attest, am glad to be losing memories with Joe Namath.

Her love is appreciated, I hope your more of a parent than Eeyore would be, otherwise she'll grow up to be a $300 whore on!

This came out scrumptious.

Supper time is the most important time!

Brilliant. Is Bill Murray part if the mod?

So déclassé. Humph.

Why halo little lady...

Sorry Cameron. You're a big poop head and smelly hater troll for wanting a technical foul called.

1) Yup, Paul P is mad lax.

Real photo. Roxbury 2004.

"I lik'em big from behind tho"

Paging Timothy Burke! Woody Allen is sitting LOW in the second row at MSG behind the scores table. I wonder if he knows the NYTimes let his step daughter write an op-Ed that he fondled her for years.

Don't do that to him. Spare the man a lifetime of dignity creation and don't name him Linus.

Don't do that to him. Spare the man a lifetime of dignity creation and don't name him Linus.