
Dear Dove,

THIS IS A STUPID QUESTION. Most PEOPLE are camera shy. It's not gender specific. Stop stereotyping your target market, it pisses us off.

Come to Canada! Tuition is less expensive for Americans here, and we have really good schools.

Also I met my (American) boyfriend this way haha. Plus if you want to escape the U.S., graduating from a Canadian university is the first step on the road to becoming a permanent resident, and then a citizen.

It might make one person who sees it reconsider/change their perspective a bit. That's the (well, one) point of the internet. Information sharing....

I was being sarcastic, and hope you were too. Metal spoons are reusable, and plastic disposable spoons just contribute to the already excessive amount of waste on our planet. Even if plastic can be recycled, there is an impact to producing and recycling plastic. And it might be recycled into something that is

This is totally idiotic. How about the world doesn't need more plastic, and maybe that's more important than making yogurt taste slightly better? Oh and the sample size was less than 100, with most of the participants being undergraduate students.

oh for christ's sake. Also forgot that Austin was in a different time zone. Thanks for filling me in!


I can't figure out what happened, did the filibuster work?!?!

I'm really into his shows right now, what episode was that?

It is nice to see a company follow up in a positive way to something that was so awful. I really look forward to seeing the collection. Hopefully this is the start of a shift in a different direction.

Sincerely, Another (less impressed by the royal family even though I have British ancestry) Canadian

I would say buy selectively. Buy less stuff that you can use in multiple outfits (a well cut black dress, as cliche as this sounds, actually is a really good clothing investment). I don't like to buy new shit, but sometimes you have to. At that point I try to get the highest quality thing I can afford, and if it rips

I'm going to become a marathon runner then? sweet.

What we need is a long term plan that doesn't destroy our natural resources at the cost of human health. I'm assuming you are not familiar with the environmental assessments or the need to do things in an at least somewhat environmentally responsible way - the reality is a lot more than "killing a few pigeons here and

"I've been mostly happy with the Harper government over the years"

Which part? The part where he basically denies climate change, and cuts all funding for science & research and greatly reduces environmental regulation (he's halted environmental impact assessments on nearly 3,000 projects across Canada—500 in BC


"It got me thinking, what is the appropriate attire for a first date?"

wtf? wear whatever you want, what makes you feel good. Be yourself. Don't pander to what you think you might imagine a guy would like you to wear.

Oh and Steven Speilberg was an English major at some point, so if "how does a BA in English do anything for anyone?" you disregard any contribution of major artists, filmmakers and novelists, then yah I guess you're right. (…)

You realize political science does fall under the humanities umbrella?