And if you’re going to eat a doughnut EAT THE WHOLE DAMN DOUGHNUT.
And if you’re going to eat a doughnut EAT THE WHOLE DAMN DOUGHNUT.
Just leave all food alone. The endless striving to “reinvent” perfectly good foods smacks of extreme try-hardism. It’s like every wannabe with a ladle suddenly thinks they’re Heston Blumenthal, destined to shatter conventions and turn the culinary world upside down. 90% of the time, the result is shit.
I think it may be more accurate to describe this as certain political bloggers and writers of a certain age still haven’t learned anything about the way the vast majority of significant legislation has gotten passed historically. There’s been plenty of work done on the subject that supports this.
I dont know why the other comments are saying you called anyone a c**t, you didnt. You just used that word to imply prostitution and so on. But i actually agree with you, i never realised why surrogacy creeped me out so much until i read your comment. I can imagine in the future when surrogacy becomes really…
Ah, eighteen. You’re considered legally responsible for your behavior and you can be drafted and sent around the world to die for your country, but you can’t drink or light up because you’re too young.
I can only imagine the shit storm that would have occured if Obama tried to raise the smoking age to 21. Sarah Palin would be passing out free cigarettes to community college students and Fox News would be openly talking about overthrowing the government
This is very difficult to comment on without knowing more details and those details would come from case files. I proofread court-bound documents penned by a counselling and psychology firm on parenting capacities, child welfare assessments, etc. and they are NUANCED. There are so many factors that go into determining…
This is a hard situation. I’m an attorney and volunteer as a guardian ad litem and I’ve seen these sorts of cases go a lot of different ways. I’ve seen mentally handicapped individuals who make great parents and are able to do fine with just the occasional check-in from a state agency. But I’ve also seen kids injured…
I don’t think children should be punished for the sins of their parents, but they also damn well shouldn’t profit from them. And no one is going to convince me that she’d have this fancy schmancy business if her father hadn’t been a murderous tyrant.
So a French 75 with fruit punch?
Rosé is for weenies. Talk to me when you start mixing gin and a dash of fruit punch koolaid in your champagne.
Or my favorite: “See black people? White people get shot and killed too, so let’s not bother doing anything about police accountability ever.”
Right. If they were taking orders for iPads and not delivering then no one would question it. But it’s something that is important to women, so it’s stupid and everyone has to chime in to decide what these women’s priorities should be.
Most people who marry in their late twenties are divorced by mid forty. What’s your point here? Signed, single 35 year old.
So there is a window of like three years where people are dateable? Get out of here, youth
she’s casual cosplaying missy, from doctor who.
“Is this the straw that will break the camels back?” Supernova asked herself this morning while reading the news in bed.