
While we shorties don’t have to worry about leg room, we still have the joy of trying to get a heavy bag out of the overhead by propping one foot on the armrest and partially resting the bag on our head so we can get a more stable grip with our tiny arms as the other passengers enjoy the show.

This may just be my existential despair talking, but most of the time I feel like nothing she could have done would have made a difference. We still would have ended up with the Cheeto in Chief because everybody is sexist and racist and life is terrible and we’re all going to die. 

before the primaries were over. they’ve been trashing her for decades.

So I think a) you need a clear, defined message, and a simple one. And b) you need someone who—and I hate to say this—but you need someone that doesn’t have as much history and baggage that they cart with them onto the campaign trail.

I’m very much hoping President Kamala Harris will usher in a public option.

He’s from Short Hills, NJ — home of the one upscale mall that people go to. Might explain a lot about his upbringing. “But this participation trophy told me I can do ANYTHING!!!!”

The most heartbreaking part about this whole saga is that it may have forced a mediocre white tech dude to admit that he can’t do everything. I mean, can you imagine the pathos of that moment, when he realized that his misguided bravado and the penis swinging between his legs just weren’t enough anymore?

“What if Commander Riker were a 90s tv mom?”

I think he should have stopped about here.

I can’t get over how everyone speaking about this FYRE fiasco keep talking about people being “safe”. You can almost hear the hushed tones around the word. Give me a break. A day or two stuck on an island in the Bahamas with apparently no water or plumbing system admittedly sounds awful, but I really don’t think

Don’t apologize Bella, after a tough week at work, sitting on my patio, sipping wine and reading obsessively about the Fyre festival has really made my weekend.

This is a country that elected a 70-year-old toddler as president, a man who insisted he knows more than the generals and that only he can fix the problem, only to have him say he thought it would be easier than his old life. And his successor is going too have to try to unfuck this country and be reviled for anything

Why is it such a demerit to have experience nowadays? I get one or two companies falling for the “supercheap!” thing but I don’t get the rush to hire babies whose only qualification is being young. It’s not going to rub off, guys.

It’s not that a 25 year old couldn’t - it’s that someone with no experience with smaller events and who hasn’t worked out the small problems won’t be able to tackle them on a large scale from scratch.

Everything was fine until Hurricane Dumbass came towards it.

$$$$. His previous project was setting up a (redundant unnecessary) concierge card for trust fund babies, so I’m sure he also pulled out the “I know important people” card. And never, ever forget the confidence of a supremely mediocre white man born into money.

Happy days! I detest these intsagram celebs and look forward to their downfall.

Is there anyone else here who takes a little bit of comfort in the failure of a stupid tech-bro? I love watching these soulless, dead eyed potential rapists fail.

not naive enough to pay instagrammers, from VICE article: