
Yay!!! We are EVERYWHERE....

Yay! I have pernicious anemia. I feel so historical.

Exactly! And I don’ t care how bad mom is, you do not put the children in juvenile detention because of the actions of their parents. This absolutely inexcusable under any circumstances. If the dad cared, he would have stepped back, let the kids make their choices and be there if the children want to open up

Thanks. Ever the optimist, I was hoping that the attorney for the children were appointed to “inform the court” or something like that in Michigan. I hate them and I am embarassed to be in the same profession.

I read the transcript and the kids lawyers seemed pretty useless. I don’t know what it is like in Michigan, but in CA, the children’s attorneys are required to advocate based on the wishes of the clients. It seems like they didn’t put up much of a fight.

CA divorce lawyer here. 10 years is meaningless under CA law, unless their pre-nup had something in it.

U-Visa yes, but not under VAWA. In fact, they can’t even tell the abuser that the person has applied.

Thank you thank you thank you for writing about this!!! This has been big news in the DV world, and I am so glad to too Nan Hui getting the wide-spread support she needs right now.

I went to a girls high school and was all "no way would I go to a women's college." I had a teacher that I loved recommend the Mawr, since she went there. I loved her so I visited and that was it. I had the best 4 years and made the best friends I could have asked for.

Yep. I am getting married this fall and bought a long strapless dress. It is pretty informal, but still. I got it home, put it on again and thought- "Wow, this is so not you. What the heck were you thinking?" I returned it and have a dress with 3/4 sleeves now. I think pinterest and wedding magazines makes you

Damn straight! Headline should be "Joel Kinnaman dumps that girl; professes undying love for Beachlady."

Joss. I really hope it fits!

I just got one!! It's on the way, I am so excited!

She can take my pills from my cold dead hands. I know people have problems, but the pill was the best thing to happen to me. No longer do I have to spend 3 days a months in bed in pain.

Ah, ok. That makes sense. We are getting married out of the country so w are just going to have a photographer for the ceremony and a bit after. No way am I hiring a separate person to take pictured of us sitting in a park on a randomness Tuesday.

Yes! I got engaged about a month ago and people keep asking! I thought just the wedding photos were enough but I guess I'm wrong.

Cliche, but true. I think Pies Descalzos is still the album I listen to most. Shaki is so much better than this.

Tuned in just in time to see Idris Elba NOT win and immediately turned it off in anger

You had me at brain cloud, my new friend!

Just got engaged ( yup, gonna be that annoying person bringing it up all the time) and I just saw this last night. I was thinking of getting it for the rehearsal dinner or something, butI bet it would make my butt look square. Sold out already!?! Glad I didn't really want it.