
Also, I feel like there is a big difference between vegetarians/vegans and people who are "living the gluten-free lifestyle". I.e not celiacs. One is a moral decision you have made not to consume dead animal flesh. I am an omnivore, but I would never ever sneak meat to my vegan pals. That is cruel and awful. How' d he

Wow, this dude really thinks most people think that!?! What a sad, pathetic little racist.

I grew up in the northeast, but live in CA now. I have never heard anyone I know use that word in front of me. And my conservative old grumpy dad (but sweet as pie) would have slapped the teeth out of my mouth if he ever heard it Escape my lips. I "know" people say it, but never around me, not even jokingly.

But why does Beebo make that face in every. damn. picture???? Why why why why why!?!? And Jaden Smith does it too!! Am I now so officially old that every thing these kids do drive me nuts? Like Miley with the tongue. Why!?!

Just coming by to correct that too... And Seaside Park is such a beautiful town.

I don't get it either, but I think it has something to do with LA and cars. I live in SF. No one ever ever ever has to drive drunk because we have busses, cabs, Über if you have money.... Or just walk home. I mean, you never hear about DUIs in New York, but its like every famous person in LA has gotten one.

I had friends who worked there after college. It was disgusting how little they were paid. And they were expected to come to work dressed in the newest, latest, most expensive fashions. Even coming from money, they had trouble. It is one thing to ask mom and dad to help with the rent, but then to ask for money to buy

Yup! I am an attorney too (in SF). I tell people that all the time. If I was to get divorced, I'd have to do it all myself. I couldn't even afford mediation.

Thank you so much! I always always always get the, "smile for me" (I totally have resting bitch face) And I am going to use that. If it is followed by a "life ain't that bad", I usually say, "It is. My mom died".

This just made everything about life OK for the next hour or so. Bless you Steve and Kermit.

I had a number of unpaid government internships when I was a young'un. These were true and real internships. Meaning for some of the day I answered phone and did a little work around the office..the rest of the time I went to meetings just to be a fly on the wall and learn, was able to go to specific seminars to learn

That makes me sad. The older I get the more I don't care....and its lovely!

Exactly! I could weigh 90 lbs and still not have one. It's like aspiring to have more teeth.

THIGH GAP!?!?!? I just learned of this. When did this become a "thing"?

I should not be chiming in cuz I should be working, but YES

Why are the comments tonight making me laugh so damn hard!?! Dayum, you gals are on tonight!!!

I CANNOT!! Explain the joy this has given me!!!! thank you, my friend.

Frankly, you are in the minority. I not only worked at a state prosecutors office, and currently represent DV survivors, I am a DV survivor myself. I rarely get a woman who wants to testify and I thank god all the time that I never had to get up on that stand and be slammed by his defense attorney who would try their

The only reason they gave GOT attention was because it was such a hit they couldn't ignore it. I knew they wouldn't come through for Tatiana because you have to be on a major network sir end up being such a hit with middle America that they can't ignore it- see also Downton Abbey. These awards are so dumb. Reminds me