
Thank you! I was going to read it out of morbid curiosity, but now I shall avoid it at all costs. Plus that review was hilarious!

For reals?? You just made my week!

I am going to name my first born "The Golden Hen" thanks to her.

MARIA BAMFORD! I love that woman to death. I am reading that tweet in her voice and its killing me.

Um, so.... she has the ass of a toddler. Kinda freaking me out.

Yep! I was born and raised Catholic- catholic girls' school and all. I love my church, and I think Jesus was a righteous dude. I hate the people running my church. I've been wavering for years (started when they took our lifelong pastor from our church- his HOME for 30 years, and moved him in order to move in, and

Awesome. Thanks for the information! Sometimes people on the interwebs rock. (like you!)

Oh, then you might answer this for me! Cuz I am a non-medical, sciencey-type person and this has been a head-scratcher for me....

That is so sad! When I was there, the administration never did anything to shut down parties and stuff because, well, they weren't all that crazy. Rhodes Halloween was so so so fun back in the day. It was the biggest BMC party of the year.

Not sure. I only lived in Radnor and Rhodes and I don't remember any dressing up things. Except for the Rhodes Halloween party, which was the BEST!!!

And skinny dipping in the fountain. Oh, I am feeling all nostalgic.

I totally forgot about that! I loved when the profs were helled. Such silliness!

What has happened to my school?!? I lived in Radnor and Hell Week was the best. It's totally tame, you don' t have to do anything you don't want to do, and it's all in good fun. Crap, I wish the sophs who "helled" us thought of wiffle beer! WHY CAN WE NOT HAVE FUN THINGS?!?

He is exactly who I was thinking about when I read the headline! Except I always find him a little bit evil after Serenity.

"I am tired of being called a shrieking harridan for pointing out inequalities so tangible and blatant that they are regularly codified into law."

I was coming here to post the EXACT same thing. Guess why women are the worriers and men aren't?... the men have women in their lives to do the worrying for them. I have the greatest partner ever who is a total feminist and in no way a bro...but... I am the one that worries about family fights, getting the laundry and

Ha ha! Yay! I was one of those. I pray to god ever day that belly shirts never one back.

For me, it's Peggy Sue Got Married. And the fact that he bears an uncanny resemblance to my awesome cousin.

Me too! I feel old, but not alone. I had the Mork suspenders tshirt.

Again.... many marathons have you run and what's you time? I train with professional athletes and believe you me, even people who finish at 2:30 ( 2:15 is Olympic level shit) don't look down on those who have trained hard and finished.