I know it has the Mazda emblem on the front but don’t be fooled, it’s actually the next gen mid-engine Corvette.
Supper excited for this motorcycle. I only wish it has an analog tachomiter..
If I just woke from a 2 year coma and you said, hey look at this new Koenigseeg I wouldn’t second guessed you..
So do you get them to scrub the tires or what? Just baby it seems like the logical thing but then again, the logical thing should be not to shine the tires..
I like the digg at Ken Block with the tube chases 4wd jab.
I love you Doug but what the hell happened to your breathing?! Did you break your nose? Why are you inhaling through your teeth like that? Did you have a robotic epiglottis put in??
Just a note to the editor.
I don’t know if this count’s as some obscure aeronautics fetish but I love me some hot canard on canard action. So edgy and European its almost naughty when compared to my prudish American sensibilities...
Roger is the best part of Chasing Classic Cars. I don’t care about the auctions or all that crap. I mean Wayne is great and all but that show needs to be like 60% Roger 40% Wayne.
By popular vote I bet the P-40 would rank last but to me I think it’s really interesting by it’s own right, just something about the North African air compain that doesn’t get enough attention/recognition.
Man security wonks ruin all the fun, good thing we don’t have them designing the future! JK, but seriously that’s a horrible reason to not persue something. If the plane delivers they will figure it out.
And if it’s awesome and successful it will become Jalopnik+!!!
The H2R supercharger is more like a procharger then a roots style blower you hear in the Terminator clip. Think belt or gear driven turbo but it would be sweet to have the roots blower howl!!
Very cool, I’ve seen his Yak and Harrier at the Culpeper show. Unfortunately the Harrier didn’t fly for mechanical reasons but man that Yak is a real pretty plane in person.
Ultima GTR