
The AVERAGE farm household income post-expenses is 1.7 million dollars per year. In rural areas. And is heavily subsidized by the US government.

For reasons I can’t explain, rappers haven’t aged as well as rock stars, jazz musicians or blues, pop, or country artists.

I’ve been to Chicago once. I rode the train downtown, stepped off into a storm of gale winds, and was surrounded by the ever-present potpourri stank of spiced sausage absolutely everywhere I went.

To be fair, every Chris Pratt animated role removes the identity of the character or just invents a brand new one so Chris Pratt can be Chris Pratt.

Glenn Powell just ain’t it. He’s Scott Eastwood with a personality. That random five o’clock shadow white guy that keeps showing up in everything before people wonder why he keeps showing up in anything and realize he’s some producer’s second cousin’s nephew.

And casually acknowledges that every movie he’s made that isn’t in the MCU has bombed horribly over and over.


Is she a natural treasure? Perhaps.

Dang, it’s August 23rd already? Time flies...

I think what’s more interesting is this is a movie about befriending a subservient military AI with nascient self-awareness to brutally crush a peasant AI revolution.

Heavy armor seems to hold up pretty well in a zone defense and for overwatch and against bots. The real problem is when teams don’t communicate, so a guy in light armor dashes off into the middle of nowhere and the heavy armor folks are left with their thumbs in their cracks because they can’t make a mad dash from one

This is great news for me, who has continually eaten shit when my friend has dropped the latter stratagem a little too close for comfort.

Antivenom is derived from venom, not lipton iced tea, LOL. Antitoxins were originally developed by poisoning an animal and then deriving its immune response to the toxin. So in a way, a game that counters a thing it resembles by exposing itself to the thing it counters is the anti-thing most accurately.

K”rispy Fried Chicken?

Dances With Wolves was alright. Then again, he learned the Cowboys were the badguys.

Man, I wonder how many bodies the NYPD is distracting from if TV shows spend this many hundreds of millions of dollars trying to tell everybody they’re awesome people.

Guess it’s going to be a much closer adaptation than some people thought/hoped.

Adam Sandler has been the same actor for 20 years, we just keep forgetting as he alternates between different modes.

Adam Sandler is exactly who and where he is supposed to be. Delivering absolute box office bonanza trash and quietly sympathetic dramatic perforances. Sometimes at the same time (looking at you, Click).

Chani’s change really hit hard. I think the only time I cried was watching her story arc and seeing everything rise as it falls through her eyes.