To paraphrase Richard Spencer: “We expect our opponents to preserve freedom of speech, but we have no obligation to support it once we take power.”
To paraphrase Richard Spencer: “We expect our opponents to preserve freedom of speech, but we have no obligation to support it once we take power.”
They did an excellent job. Even just reading it in-game I felt emotional and wanted to follow up on the story. (Although maybe because my dad died this year.)
I think the fundamental problem is that the writer doesn’t want to watch more than one show. They want a show that’s familiar and comfortable that they can just sit down and focus on for years at a time and never have to experience new things.
You said you liked when the passage of time mirrors IRL, I pointed out that time in the show you referenced didn’t mirror IRL.
I’m of the opinion that Peak TV is behind us
All I’m hearing: “All these communist musicians not realizing communism killed a hundred fifty billion gajillion people and what we really need is a strong carceral state and a fifteen dollar minimum wage!” LOL
Listening to a Republican pundit steal the line, “You tried to rage against the machine but you’re just the machine,” on Fox News was a headscratcher. Did she think we all forgot about Paul Ryan that fast?
I am thinking like how no one gets angry at Stephen Colbert over what “Stephen Colbert” host of the Colbert Report would say.
Careful, he’ll take his money out of the community if you don’t hunt poor people for sport.
he SUSPECTED people were laughing at the jokes for racist reasons and there’s really no reason to think he was right about that.
If you watch the “Lost Episodes” of the Chapelle Show, it’s obvious Dave Chapelle was the glue keeping a lot of that crap together. There’s an amusing skit about how Dave Chapelle goes through his day and encounters a room full of white writers obsessed with making white people look great and mocking black people.
Your confusion is that this is a thing done to them instead of a thing they got comfortable being. They learn Trump can do it, they discover that has an audience, so they fully embrace how horrible they actually are.
George Carlin went on Larry King complaining about Andrew Dice Clay selling out and attacking minorities because he grew up a put-upon minority and decided to dole it out for easy favor.
A bunch of people who got famous poking fun at people in positions of power and the concerns of everyday folks discovered they had stumbled into positions of power and no longer had the concerns of everyday folks.
So, Dave isn’t a champion of black people, yet the same jokes he says are heard in every black barber by your own admission. How does that make any sense? Sounds like, for better or worse, he shares the same opinion as a lot of black people, which would make him a champion of black people.
Of course, the only conversation that really matters is “Award shows are inherently silly and we should probably ignore the whole thing.”
The reflection is original.
If there’s a writing credit that says, “Based on characters created by” or “based on the toy created by” then it’s an adaptation because it’s based on someone else’s creation. But no one created the Williams’ sisters’ dad except his parents.
Let me describe what she and most squares think...
Big Business has always been about numbers go up. We just know more about it than we used to.