
What’s up with people thinking rich conservatives losing money by being asshats is part of some grand strategy to take control of their lives from the Powers That Be? Sometimes stupid people get really rich because they’re surrounded by stupid rich people and they have nothing of value to add to the conversation

As an example Season 8 of the Simpsons has WAY more than 8-10 fantastic episodes. That season would not have happened in an 8 every other year world.

One Piece has been on the air for 24 years. You’re not watching it the way it originally aired, LOL

i love when there’s a christmas episode at christmas, or when the simpsons would go on summer vacation or whatever. i like when the passage of time mirrors IRL.

Hell, the best episodes of the X Files revival were Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster and The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat. The mythology episodes were kind of bad.

However netfilx recently has been especially brutal lately AND there was still a lot of new content on all the networks as they filled prime time with lots of shows.

Community was a half hour show and half of its seasons were only 13 episodes long.

Then they should watch more shows? Being upset that This One Show I Like^TM is on hiatus more often because they don’t want to watch That One Show I Haven’t Started Yet^TM isn’t going to be solved with a worse version of the show they like. They should just watch more good shows so we can have more good shows.

I played through the Imperial Agent quest, got the best Star Wars game story since KOTOR before it, and then abandoned the entire premise when I realized literally nothing else in the game was nearly as interesting.

So you haven’t liked Star Wars in 43 years? I mean, that’s a long time to come to a conclusion about a franchise, but maybe you were struggling with the you who you would be if you admitted you didn’t like a thing?

SWG’s crafting system, simply put, will never be matched until they resurrect it. End of list.

I had a run on Tetris that long on the Gameboy version in elementary school. Waiting for the ride to daycare then on the ride to daycare until they checked us in. I think it topped out at 99 and then just ran out of things to add to the symphony of singers, so it just becomes endless with no real feedback and not what

So Square Enix, whose entire marketing strategy is going to TEDx conferences to look for random keywords they can slap onto their quarterly earnings reports will... continue to use this as their entire business model.

I will absolutely give that to Snyder, he understands what looks great on screen better than at least half the schlock directors the wrangle for this films.

The Dark Knight is a really good movie, but it’s also kind of fascist and the protagonist is the most boring character in it.

It’s not that complicated.

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This year’s not that important for the history of videogame adaptations.

This article is nonsense.

Unfortunately, the first one left such a bad taste in everyone’s mouth that the audience wasn’t eager to go back for a second helping of a much better-made dish.